Educational tools and professional resources to help support birth parents and babies
During the puerperium women experience a myriad of physiological changes alongside hormonal and emotional fluctuations as the body heals from birth. Use this tip-to-toe assessment as a reminder for all aspects of maternal health during postpartum healing.
Read nowReducing the risk of tearing during childbirth
Immediately after birth, health professionals can perform a thorough top-to-toe assessment of mothers, to gain a complete clinical picture of their postnatal wellbeing.
Benefits for Mom & Baby
Practical techniques for mothers
Benefits for mom & baby
Passive Immunity through Breastfeeding
A 4 step technique proven to increase milk supply
During the puerperium women experience a myriad of physiological changes alongside hormonal and emotional fluctuations as the body heals from birth. Use this tip-to-toe assessment as a reminder for all aspects of maternal health during postpartum healing.
A step-by-step guide to educate and help patients become more comfortable with anenatal perineal massage.
Perineal massage promotes the skin around the perineum to stretch more easily during childbirth and has been shown to help reduce the risk of a perineal tear or episiotomy.
Lansinoh supports 7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including breastfeeding. Breastfeeding contributes to healthier mothers and is the optimum source of nutrition for infant needs.
Lansinoh supports the United Nations Act Now Campaign, a global call for individual action on climate change and sustainability. Learn how small changes can help create a more sustainable future.
Breastmilk is environmentally sustainable and uses none of our planet's scare, natural resources. It is produced and delivered without pollution, packaging, or waste.
Lansinoh's vision is for a safe and sustainable world for women as they become mothers. Learn how we are doing our part to reduce emissions and produce climate neutral products.
The more often a lactating parent hand expresses milk during the first three days, the better their milk supply. Use this patient resource to teach how to express colostrum by hand.
Stanford researchers found combining breast massage with hands-on pumping led to higher yield of milk output per session. Breast massage helps empty the milk ducks and improve the flow of breastmilk.
Breastfeeding improves babies' chances of remaining infection-free, protecting against a wide range of illnesses, including respiratory infections.
Healthcare professionals can support perinatal mental health by creating a safe space to talk, asking questions to gather information on symptoms, and by istening to patients to increase maternal confidence.
Approximately 1 in 5 women suffer from perinatal mental health problems during pregnancy and in the first year after birth. The potential effects of poor maternal mental health include birth trauma, lactation issues, and cognitive delays with the baby.
Human milk oligosaccharides are complex sugars found exclusively in human milk that help build a healthy gut microbiome in infants, providing a lasting impact on the body's digestive and immune systems.
Reverse pressure softening in breastfeeding is a simple, effective method to soften the area around the areola and make it easier for baby to latch.
Developed in partnership with Lansinohs' Clinical Advisory Netowrk, this is a guide to practical breast massage techniques for lactating parents and mothers.
Colostrum, also known as liquid gold, is the first milk produced by a lactating parent. Although the volume produced may be tiny, colostrum has significant health benefits.
Breastmilk is producted by lactating parents and naturally controlled by a baby's needs and not breast size.
Some new moms may benefit from changing breastfeeding postions. These 6 breastfeeding positions may help make breastfeeding more comfortable for both mom and baby.
Breastmilk composition aids in the defense against infection due to the presence of IgAs, hormones and enzymes, micro RNA and exomes, human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), oxysterols, and stem cells in breastmilk.
The immediate time post-birth is known as the golden hour. During this time, babies display instictive behavior when held skin-to-skin.
During the first few weeks of life, a baby's stomach is quite small. This means that even though a newborn doesn't need very much breastmilk during this time, it's still important to reassure moms they are producing enough breastmilk to feed baby.
Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for helping the uterus contract to pre-pregnancy size, the let-down reflex during breastfeeding, and a feeling of relaxation or well-being.
Prolactin is a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland that enables lactating parents to produce milk. As estrogen and progesterone levels decrease after birth, prolactin levels rise beginning the productiong of human milk.
Twenty-six USA based mothers, who had undergone Caesarean Section (CS) delivery in the past 6-24 weeks trialed a novel C-section hydrogel dressing designed to protect a healing CS incision, while cooling and soothing the area.
This qualitative survey captures the reasons why 201 US based mothers birthed via Caesarean section (CS) and their experiences recovering from this major, yet routine, surgical procedure.
Healthcare professionals like you are essential to birth parents feeling better prepared and more supported to begin breastfeeding as they embark on their unique parenting journey.
This study presents a novel clinical model used to demonstrate the use of lanolin before and during repeated skin insult to protect the skin.
This survey-based study investigaes how actual experiences of birth and breastfeeding differed from the birthing parent's pre-birth intentions and any subsequent perceived experience of breastfeeding mothers in the USA.
Learn about the importance of teaching hand expression and how to improve the colostrum collection process from this Q&A with Nannette Mills, RNC, IBCLC and Lansinoh Clinical Advisory Network Member
Contact Nipple Shields are effective tools for addressing short term latch-on issues related to premature, small or ill infants, flat or inverted nipples, tongue tie, lip tie, or overactive let-down.
This user guide for managing breastfeeding conditions supports healthcare professionals as they care for lactating patients.
This multi-country study examines how pain related to birth may be an under-considered factor in the early cessation of breastfeeding.
This survey aims to investigate how actual experiences of birth and breastfeeding differed from mothers' pre-birth intentions and any subsequent perceived impact on the breastfeeding experience.
“Lansinoh's team was very helpful in helping me find the right products for my hospital.”
Jenny Wilson
OBGYN for 15 years